What to Say in a Video Cover Letter

How Can a Cover Letter Help You With an Interview?

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Many job candidates might find a cover letter difficult to write, but it's often the difference between being called for an interview or being overlooked in favor of another candidate. Although some favor a more informal approach such as an email, employers still expect to see a cover letter. When the letter is well crafted, it can increase your chances of receiving serious consideration for the job.

Show Personality

A resume provides facts about your work history, but it doesn't say much about your character. Your cover letter can show your personality and make you seem more human.

Explain Discrepancies

You can use your cover letter to explain questionable aspects of your resume. For instance, if you need to explain long gaps between jobs, describe what you did to fill the time and list the skills you acquired as a result.

Create Interest

A cover letter is attractive when it highlights the benefits you can bring to the employer. If these benefits are relevant and outstanding, your letter can arouse interest in the employer. An employer who can see you as an asset to the company is more likely to place you on the shortlist of candidates for an interview. A great cover letter makes this is possible, even if your resume is not the best in the pile.

Stand Out

Your cover letter is the first example of your work that employers see. It helps you stand out from other candidates if it's well written. This is especially true if your competitors don't take the time to craft a memorable letter or don't send one at all.

Demonstrate Desire

You can't use your resume to show the employer that you're interested in the position, but you can do so with your cover letter. With appropriate wording, you can help the employer feel your excitement. Many employers get the impression that there isn't enough interest if the candidate doesn't send a cover letter. Bland resumes can also give this impression.

Warming up

Your cover letter is your opportunity to warm up the employer and make him form a favorable opinion of you as a qualified candidate before the interview. With this impression in mind, the employer is likely to spend more time looking for additional reasons to hire you than reasons why he shouldn't.

Career Change

If your work history doesn't include similar positions to the new job, you can use your cover letter to highlight your skills and responsibilities that are relevant. Share pertinent details that you can't include in your resume to show how well you managed your duties. These important details convince the employer that you are a suitable candidate.

Follow Up

The letter also gives you a reason to call the employer and discuss the possibility of an interview. If you stated that you will contact the employer within a specific time, she will be more likely to speak with you, giving you an advantage over other applicants.


Writer Bio

Tina Amo has been writing business-related content since 2006. Her articles appear on various well-known websites. Amo holds a Bachelor of Science in business administration with a concentration in information systems.

What to Say in a Video Cover Letter

Source: https://work.chron.com/can-cover-letter-interview-14953.html

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